Diablo 3 augment ancient item not working
Diablo 3 augment ancient item not working

diablo 3 augment ancient item not working

Her grip on Sanctuary cuts deep into the hearts of men and women alike, cultivating the worst in its denizens and leaving the world a dark, hopeless place. In the power vacuum, a legendary name resurfaces- Lilith, daughter of Mephisto, the whispered progenitor of humanity. Years have passed and, as some semblance of regular life starts rebuilding, a threat as old as the land itself begins to stir.ĭiablo IV takes place fifty years after the events of Diablo III: Reaper of Souls, after millions have been slaughtered by the actions of the High Heavens and Burning Hells alike.

diablo 3 augment ancient item not working

Thus, choose wisely which to use and which stats you want to augment in your build.After the destruction of the Black Soulstone, the defeat of the Prime Evil, and the fall of Malthael, Angel of Death, countless lives have been lost and the denizens of Sanctuary find themselves struggling through the darkest of ages. Keep in mind that all gems which you use for the augmentation are permanently destroyed.

  • Topazes Flawless Royal for Intelligence.Īnd with that said, that’s about everything you need to know about augmenting Ancient Legendary items.
  • Here’s which ones you should use depending on which stats you wish to augment. Asides from a legendary gem, you’ll also need Flawless Royals gems. To augment an Ancient Legendary item, you’ll need to use the final recipe in Kanai’s Cube, which is called Caldesann’s Despair. You can use WoA legendary gems exclusively for augmenting Ancient Legendary items. How to Use Whisper of Atonement in Diablo 3 Probably the best build to most efficiently grind through Echoing Nightmares is the Demon Hunter multishot build. You can level it up in a regular way through Greater Rifts. Furthermore, we should note that the maximum level of a WoA gem is 150. But, for maximum rewards keep going until Tier 150. If your goal is to only get a Level 125 Whisper of Atonement, the most optimal way is to finish around Tier 125.

    Diablo 3 augment ancient item not working